
Premier League and Stonewall together to include the LGBT+ community in football

The English Football League and the Stonewall charity renew their partnership and launch a series of initiatives to defend the rights of the LGBT+ community. La Premier League, la prima divisione del calcio inglese maschile, ha rafforzato il suo impegno a promuovere l’uguaglianza e la diversità stipulando una partnership strategica (e biennale) con l’ente di… Continua a leggere Premier League and Stonewall together to include the LGBT+ community in football

Football and solidarity rhyme with Sweden

An unprecedented initiative by the Swedish men’s players of League A and B: they decided to give up part of their income to help their Damallsvenskan colleagues who are experiencing a moment of crisis due to the pandemic. La Svezia del calcio entra nella storia: non si tratta stavoltadell’enorme ritorno di immagine di un campionato europeo… Continua a leggere Football and solidarity rhyme with Sweden

Brugge: European leader in social care

The Flanders’ black and blue team won the More Than Football Award, a recognition that rewards clubs, leagues or federations presenting social projects designed to contrast racism and create a new European football community based on equality and sharing. Sedici Scudetti, undici Coppe nazionali e quindici Supercoppe. Così recita il palmarès del Club Brugge, il… Continua a leggere Brugge: European leader in social care

From Lily Parr to Carolina Morace: the historical and social echoes of women’s football

The English city of Preston has been the birthplace of men’s football and above all of women’s football. A sport movement born in a locomotive factory and historically characterized by an irregular development: from the social battle of Lily Parr to the coming out of Carolina Morace. Dici calcio, leggi Preston. La città del Lancashire… Continua a leggere From Lily Parr to Carolina Morace: the historical and social echoes of women’s football

Gender equality in sport: a new law in Buenos Aires

The Buenos Aires Legislature approved the law on gender equality which will regulate amateur and professional sport. The directive committees of clubs and associations, properly registered in the Single Register of Argentine Sports Institutions, must be equally composed of women and men. Si è partiti con un’iniziativa del vice ed ex segretario allo sport, l’ex… Continua a leggere Gender equality in sport: a new law in Buenos Aires

England changes the face of women’s football

The English Football Association puts in place a long-term strategy in order to excel in the female universe. Not just triumphs on the pitch: gender equality, social inclusion and friendship are the cornerstones of the four-year project drawn up by the Football Association. Promuovere lo sviluppo del calcio tra donne e ragazze in tutto il… Continua a leggere England changes the face of women’s football

Overseas football takes the field against racism

Major League announces several initiatives fighting the disturbing and widespread phenomenon of racism in the USA, supporting social justice and promoting an increase in football diversity, meant as a unique tool of social wealth, sharing and union. It will be supported by Black Players For Change, an independent organization composed by football personalities. Dire basta… Continua a leggere Overseas football takes the field against racism

Hockey Diversity Alliance and the battle for inclusive hockey

Hockey Diversity Alliance is a north-American organization established in June, founded by some players with the aim of opposing racial discriminations in hockey. It operates independently, waiting for the NHL, national hockey league, to take up the challenge in order to pursue anti-racist and inclusive objectives of the organization. L’organizzazione, fondata lo scorso giugno nel… Continua a leggere Hockey Diversity Alliance and the battle for inclusive hockey

Sporting inclusion in Austria goes to…destination!

Ecco Rob (Rugby Opens Borders), il progetto della società viennese Rugby Union Donau con l’intento di promuovere l’integrazione culturale attraverso lo sport. Secondo il rapporto Unhcr del 2019 inerente le migrazioni forzate a livello mondiale del 2019, 79,5 milioni di persone sono state sfollate dai loro luoghi natii con la forza. Le cause più frequenti?… Continua a leggere Sporting inclusion in Austria goes to…destination!