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Economic losses of 5.1 millions of euros for the Irish Football Association

The Irish Football Association approved the 2019 financial accounts and shared them with the members before the annual general meeting on December 29. The data showed a loss of 5.1 million euros (6.2 million dollars) along with commercial income of 15.7 million euros. Le finanze del FAI sono state oggetto di un attento esame già… Continua a leggere Economic losses of 5.1 millions of euros for the Irish Football Association

Premier League and Stonewall together to include the LGBT+ community in football

The English Football League and the Stonewall charity renew their partnership and launch a series of initiatives to defend the rights of the LGBT+ community. La Premier League, la prima divisione del calcio inglese maschile, ha rafforzato il suo impegno a promuovere l’uguaglianza e la diversità stipulando una partnership strategica (e biennale) con l’ente di… Continua a leggere Premier League and Stonewall together to include the LGBT+ community in football